The conditions for obtaining family reunification under the EU rules can be less rigorous than the Danish rules. Unlike the Danish rules, the EU rules do not have requirements related to language, education or bank guarantees for example. At this webinar, our legal advisor, Caroline Ulrich, will explain the basic requirements and provide you with practical guidance on the application process.
The webinar is relevant for Danes with a third country national spouse or partner, who are already living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland. It is also relevant for couples living outside of the EU, who do not fulfill the requirements for family reunification according to the Danish rules or just prefer applying using the EU rules instead.
- What is family reunification according to the EU rules and how are they different from the Danish rules?
- Who can get family reunification according to the EU rules?
- What are the requirements?
- How do you apply?
- What documents are required?
Please note that this webinar will not address family reunification according to the Danish rules.
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