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Danes Worldwide repræsentanter

Establishing a network in a new country may be difficult and time consuming. Where is a good dentist? How do we find the most suitable school for the children? Do you simply wish to contact another Dane?

Such questions – and many more – are answered by Danes Worldwide’s representatives all over the world. The representatives are Danes who have lived abroad for an extended period and thus are very familiar with the local area in question. In addition, they are engaged in staging social events to enable members to meet each other – often in collaboration with other Danish entities such as churches, business networks, and the like. As a member, you are therefore certain to have a local resource person no matter where in the world you settle. You may have specific questions, or you may simply wish to meet other Danes who are living abroad as you are.

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  • Access all content and events
  • Legal advisory and case processing
  • Discount on Danish classes and summer school
  • Exclusive member events and local networks
  • Only 70DKK a month